domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008

Intro Blog

It is time to start this blog called “El Angolazo” where in the following nearly 10 moths (2008/09) I will try to show and express what I feel, see, learn and furthermore in Angola and its surrounding countries.

Why am I rigth now in
Angola? Well, the reason is that I am taking a one year professional experience working in the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Luanda, Angola, (OFECOMES de Luanda in Spanish). This year is part of a programme that started last January with a 6 months master in commercial trade and that could continue in 12 months with an experience in a private company. At the moment I am what is called a Becario Icex.

Why to write a Blog? There are many reasons: like keeping contact with people, like communicating things from the unknown
Africa, or just a way to write and remember my days here. I just know I am starting this but do not know how will it evolve.

Why I am writing in English? The reason is that I do not want any friend or colleague not to have the chance to read this personal blog. I (as many of us) have friends around the world and at the end English is the common language most of us speak. In addition I guess my English is quite simple, so I hope everybody will be able to read it and will forgive me for not writing in Spanish. I am sorry in advance for all the mistakes that I can commit in English. I will try to write in this language most of the times but I assume there might be days or situations where I will feel like writing in Spanish or ,why not some day, in Portuguese (if I somehow get a good level, nao é?).

Why is the blog c
alled “El Angolazo”? It is a pity but I knew little about Angola before, like it might happen to most of you. I love playing basketball and one of the few things I knew about Angola comes from it. It took place in the Olimpic Games in Barcelona 92 when the Spanish national team lost against Angola. Because of the impact of that defeat it was called “el Angolazo”. It was a kind of inflexion point for them. So it can be for me this experience and so that is the title of this blog.

Why have I release this blog so late? Better late than never! I would have loved to start it before coming here in order to talk about the feelings and ideas about Angola that I had before (Before being biased by what I already know)- Anyway better late than never.

What do I expect from it? I just hope you enjoy reading it and have a way to keep in contact and to learn a few things from Angola, Africa and the life in this, for most of all of us, unknown part of the world.

This is for you, for me and for those who could like it.

3 comentarios:

A las 16 de enero de 2009, 10:58 , Blogger Alejandro ha dicho...

mola mogollón el blog
y lo de escribir en inglés es una gran idea, yo no lo hago porq soy mazo vago y ya q no me gusta escribir, si lo hago paso de pensar

Un abrazo desde Milano

A las 22 de enero de 2009, 4:32 , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

I like it my man.
Good that you wrote in English because even if you would have done it in french, I do not think I would have understood yours.
Enjoy Angola.
I keep the page in my favorites.
So write, write, write
Take care

A las 3 de mayo de 2011, 12:12 , Blogger claudio gabão ha dicho...

Dios mio lo que as hecho es muy raro, me siento muy feliz quando alguien retrata a mi pais como lo has hecho, gracias por todo y que sigas asi retratando lo mas bello en los lugares que poca gente conoce, gracias.


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